Artikel ini dapat di unduh melalui link berikut ini : Hitung retikulosit yang kemungkinan bahan ajar dalam bentuk presetasi yang dibuat oleh Dr Nikhil Rabade, Consultant Hematopathologist, SRCC Children’s Hospital Mumbai.
Red cell development
• Peripheral blood – 1 day
• 90 % of the reticulocytes present in the bloodstream are mature stages
• Erythropoiesis stimulation leads to a “left shift”
Heilmayer stages
Supravital staining
- RNA within the ribosomes reacts with basic dyes such as azure B, brilliant cresyl blue or New methylene blue to form a blue precipitate
- This reaction only occurs in ‘vital’ unfixed preparations
On Romanowsky stains: Reticulocytes appear as polychromatophilic (grey/blue) cells
Staining solution
1% Brilliant cresyl blue or 1% New methylene blue
Dissolve 1gm of BCB / NMB in 100ml of 3% trisodium citrate-saline
• Check pH
• Filter with Whatmann’s No.1 filter
• Keep in dry bottle
• Stable for 4 – 6 weeks
Kits reagen hitung retikulosit pewarnaan supravital |
Procedure pewarnaan hitung retikulosit
• Mix equal quantities of EDTA anticoagulated blood & retic stain
• Incubate at 37°C for 15-20mins
• Thin smears, dried and observed under oil immersion objectives
• Counter stain to avoid rapid fading
Miller Ocular disc
To be placed in one of the ocular lenses for reticulocyte counting
Counting reticulocytes
Average of two results
• % Reticulocytes = Number of reticulocytes(A) × 100
1000 (No of RBC's observed)(B)
• EXAMPLE: 25 reticulocytes in 1,000 total RBC’s
• Reticulocyte count =25 x 100= 2.5%
• Normal range: 0.5-1.5%
Potential errors
potesial error pembacaan hitung retikulosit |
Pappenheimer bodies
Howell-Jolly bodies
Heinz bodies
Hemoglobin H inclusion
Automated Reticulocyte Count
Automated counts
- RNA binding dye suchas Acridine orange
- Rapid, highly reproducible results with low CVs
- Gold standard
- Anemia workup (peripheral destruction vs failure of production)
- Response to therapy (iron, vitamin B-12, folic acid supplementation)
- Bone marrow recovery after bone marrow transplantation or intensive chemotherapy
increased reticulocyte count
- Hemolytic anemia
- Nutritional anemia after treatment
- Acute and chronic blood loss
- Pregnancy
Decreased reticulocyte count
- Untreated nutritional anemia
- Aplastic anemia
- Exposure to radiation or radiation therapy
- Chronic infection
- Chemotherapy
Reticulocyte index (RI)
- Increase in counts may be relative
- The reticulocyte percentage may not be a truereflection of reticulocyte production
- Correction with reference to normal hematocrit is required
Immature reticulocyte fraction (IRF)
Take home message
- Reticulocyte count is a simple, easy to perform and inexpensive test
- Along with CBC, reticulocyte count is one of the first tests to be performed while investigating anemia.
- Appropriately stained and evenly smeared slide is essential for proper interpretation.
- Newer promising parameters.